Nov 10, 2009

Energizing ideas as the days get darker and winter is coming

Yes, you can become more energetic without caffeine and sugar. As the days grow shorter, our bodies may feel sluggish. It may feel difficult to wake up in the dark mornings, for instance, or you may feel tired after added responsibilities of holiday preparation.

Here are ideas that you may wish to try:

1. Yoga and especially the classic yogic breathing activity called, “The Breath of Fire,” which involves very fast breathing in and out of the nose – pant like a dog, some say. You can observe a teaching demonstration of this technique on YouTube.

2. Eating foods that are whole foods, rather than processed foods, including quality protein to keep your body well nourished. Just regular portions of protein -- about the size of a deck of cards for meat, or a handful of nuts, or just an ounce or two of cheese -- will keep your brain alive, alert and active.

3. Therapeutic-grade essential oils can give you a lift – a number of oils are especially energizing to the brain, including basil, rosemary, orange, peppermint, lemon.

4. Practice qigong, an Asian exercise that is similar to – but much easier – than tai chi. Qigong's very simple exercises will reorient your body's energy; it's especially good to practice in the morning to begin your day. Tai chi is also very good for balancing and giving energy so make sure that you give it a try if you're interested.

5. Reduce use of computer, especially at night before bedtime. You'll sleep better.

6. CD guided meditations and imageries, or imageries on your own. When I’m not creating my own imageries for my clients, I suggest the wonderful CDs from Health Journeys.

7. Bioenergetic exercises, which are body exercises that are often amazingly simple and easy. One exercise, simply stamping your feet (left, right, left, right), can reduce anger, lift mood and give energy.

8. Rest. There's no substitute.

9. Drink water. When plants don’t get enough water, they wilt. You will feel like wilting too, when you don’t give your body enough H2O. And drink water, not tea, soda, so-called “energy drinks” or alcohol.

10. Spend time with people you like, people who are positive, caring, fun and supportive.