Sep 14, 2006

Celebrate with us with free programs on alternative health

Lake House Health & Learning Center, 932 Lake Ave., Racine, will celebrate its first anniversary with 15 free programs about complementary health topics, including free brown bag lunch discussions, a demonstration of qigong and a talk and demonstration of Kundalini Yoga, one of the fastest growing yoga styles in the world, a program on nutritional alternatives to psychiatric medications, a training for professionals, sample Native American talking circle and other spiritual topics.

In addition, copies of the 2006-2007 Guide To Health, Wellness and Creative Living will be available on Thursday, Sept. 14 from noon to 4 p.m. and from 8 to 10:30 a.m. Friday, Sept. 15 for pick up by single copies or bundles to distribute. This free annual directory is a comprehensive listing of complementary and holistic professionals in southeastern Wisconsin with resources and articles about various health and wellness topics.

Among the activities:

Psychotherapy Can Be Alternative, Too: Working With The Sand Tray with Karen Carnabucci, psychotherapist and coach, at 12:15 p.m. Sept. 19. Innovations in mental health treatment abound, with many alternatives to talk therapy including sand tray, art, and drama. Helping professionals and laypersons welcome. Bring bag lunch if you wish.

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet with Arthur Shattuck, physician of Traditional Chinese Medicine, at noon Sept. 20. Topic will focus on how dietary choices contribute to arthritis, cancer, heart disease and pains and aches -- and how to change your diet to heal according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. Bring bag lunch if you wish.

Energize and Balance with Qigong with Joe Mayer from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Sept. 22. Mayer, a certified qigong and tai chi chuan instructor, will discuss and demonstrate the basics of qigong, a centuries-old Asian regimen of movement and its many health benefits for all ages. Bring bag lunch if you wish to attend Kundalini Yoga program at 1 p.m.

Kundalini Yoga: A Different Kind of Yoga with Joe Mayer at 1 to 2:30 p.m. Sept. 22. Mayer, the region's only Kundalini Yoga instructor, will discuss and demonstrate this style of yoga which is growing quickly around the world. The yoga uses dynamic breathing, postures, movement and chanting.

Nutritional Alternatives to Traditional Psychiatric Medications with Donald Jacobson, M.D., at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 25. Dr. Jacobson, a Racine psychiatrist, will discuss how Omega-3, SAM-e and other nutritional supplements can make huge differences in the treatment of depression, Attention Deficit Disorder, anxiety and other mental health disorders. This program is open to both professionals and laypersons.

Relax with Guided Imagery with Karen Carnabucci, LCSW, TEP, psychotherapist and coach, at 12:15 p.m. Sept. 26. She will briefly discuss the concepts of guided imagery, also known as guided meditation, and lead the group in a relaxing imagery. Participants are welcome to bring a brown bag lunch; tea will be available.

Mind, Body, Spirit -- How It All Works for Your Health with June Scott Nettles, M.Div., from noon to 1 Sept. 27. Rev. Nettles, a retired United Methodist minister and co-owner of Synchronicity, will discuss how the mind, body and spirit interact to enhance health and well being. Bring a bag lunch if you wish.

Dr. Mom-- Healthy Healing Methods for Common Illnesses with Essential Oils with Mary Heffel, health and wellness consultant, at 6 p.m. Sept. 27. Learn how essential oils can provide safe, easy simple relief for adults and children with colds, flu, headaches, stomach aches and burns.

Keeping a Journal: How Writing Promotes Growth and Reduces Stress with Karen Carnabucci, LCSW, TEP, psychotherapist and coach, at 12:15 p.m. Sept. 28. She will discuss how journal writing can promote change, awareness and personal growth, either by itself or in conjunction with psychotherapy. Participants are welcome to bring a bag lunch and a journal or notebook; tea will be available.

Photographs and Faith Journeys with June Scott Nettles, M.Div. from noon to 1 p.m. Sept. 29. She will discuss how her faith impacts her photography and how she uses images in 1-1 spiritual direction and for spiritual growth, as she talks about the background of the photographs in Lake House Gallery. Bring a bag lunch if you wish.

Experience Makes The Difference: Introduction to Experiential Psychotherapy with Karen Carnabucci, LCSW, TEP, at 9 a.m. Sept. 29. This 90-minute program, geared to mental health professionals, other helping professionals, educators and group leaders and pastors, will provide an overview of experiential work and show how it is applicable in many settings. CEUs will be provided, and tea will be available.

Pre-registration is highly recommended to hold your seat as space is limited; call (262) 633-2645. Copies of The Guide will also be available at all sessions, as will free information on other health-related topics, including substance abuse and recovery, organic farming and psychodrama.

In addition, the public will have the opportunity to enter a prize sweepstakes for a "Health Basket" worth $600 in gift certificates, books, teas, gifts and other health-related products by taking an online survey at