Jan 26, 2009

Keep your immune system healthy this winter

The cold season is here. I like keeping my people coming in for psychotherapy – not sick and ill and miserable at home. Winter is still here in Wisconsin and it will be here for a while. Here’s what I suggest to keep you healthy this winter.

Friends, there are alternatives to strengthening your immune system. Here, traditional Chinese medicine –which is much more than acupuncture – can be very helpful with its herbal remedies

One great immune-building remedy is Yin Chiao – also sometimes spelled Yinchaio—a powerful and yet inexpensive remedy that comes from the practice of traditional Chinese medicine.

This remedy, which comes in tablet and pill form as well as tea bags, is available at most natural pharmacies and from practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine. In Racine, you can find this remedy at a number of locations; see The Guide for listings of regional practitioners and resources in southeastern Wisconsin.

Yes, by all means, do the regular “stuff” to build your immune system and keep it healthy:

Drink green tea. It helps fortify your immune system.

Reduce your intake of sugar and sugary foods, which have been proven to significantly suppress your immune system for up to six hours after consuming.

Reduce your stress in whatever way that means – saying “no” to extra commitments, for instance, and staying away form abusive and demanding people. You may also want to practice some sort of stress reduction activities, such as meditation, prayer, yoga or tai chi.

Practice positive self-care behaviors: getting enough sleep and eating whole foods. Massage, yoga and tai chi help too.

Wash your hands frequently. Use soap and hot water and take your time.

Use alcohol or bleach wipes to clean door knobs, phones and other places where germs like to live.

Consider essential oils. Dr. Andrew Weil suggests using essential oil of thyme in an infuser. Be sure to use an essential oil that is labeled “medical grade” or “pharmaceutical grade.”