Jan 4, 2010

Dan Booth Cohen explains Constellation healing as a tribute to our ancestors

Dan Booth Cohen,  Ph.D., talks about the new approach of Systemic Constellation Work in this interview with Patricia Ruskin’s “Positive Living” show on VoiceAmerica.

During the wide-ranging interview, he talks about how Constellation work can heal and restore what is in the past. Further, he gives examples about how relationships become strained because of what is missing in the ancestral background of one person’s life – creating loneliness and disconnection.

He also talks about alcohol as a pain killer and and how there is increasing physical and scientific evidence is now showing that  the effects of traumatic experiences are passed on from one generation to another. So he may ask: "Is the problem older than you are?"

His recent book, “I Carry Your Heart In My Heart,” is filled with the stories of his experiences leading monthly Systemic Family Constellation circles with life prisoners in a Massachusetts prison for five years. It also describes Family Constellations’ roots and philosophy which is based on the observations of Bert Hellinger, a German psychotherapist who is considered one of the most innovative and profound thinkers in the past 25 years.

We can carry the pain of our ancestors in our hearts and we can release the pain to find joy. "Anyone can be in prison and anyone can find freedom," he has discovered.

Cohen, who is based in New England, offers workshops throughout the United States and has a wealth of experience in the art of peace-making and creative problem solving. He has had a diverse career as a business owner, corporate executive, author, peace activist and counselor over the past 30 years. Dan was the co-founder of Pequod Associates, Inc., a founding member of the City of Cambridge Peace Commission and the co-director of the Boston Children of War Program.