Nov 17, 2010

Health & Wellness newsletter: InterPlay, cell phones and veterans

What is InterPlay?

InterPlay is an active, creative way to unlock the wisdom of the body. InterPlay is easy, fun, and life changing. It is based in a series of incremental "forms" that lead participants to movement and stories, silence and song, ease and amusement. In the process, we discover the wisdom in ourselves and our communities.

InterPlay integrates body, mind, heart and spirit. Life has become so fragmented. InterPlay helps to pull everything back together so we get more of what we want.

Georgia Jean Kaftan, left, practicing the fun of InterPlay.

InterPlay teaches the language and ethic of play in a deep and powerful way. If you are convinced that seriousness is the path to inner wisdom, then you might want to look elsewhere. If you would like to become a "recovering serious person," then InterPlay might be for you.

Georgia Jean Kaftan, a retired attorney, recovering "serious person" and certified InterPlay leader, will facilitate the Nov. 19 and Dec. 3 evening introductions and the Nov. 20 and Dec. 4 afternoon "Revisioning The Dark" InterPlay programs at Lake House. Maybe she'll even talk about how InterPlay changed her. See calendar for specific info

Cell phones

How safe are cell phones? Here's a report about 10 things you can do to reduce the cancer risk of cell phones.

Veterans resources

Veterans Day was last week but every day is an important  day to refocus attention on the sacrifices and needs of those who risked their lives in service to our country. Psychologist Ken Pope offers this list of resources for people in the military, veterans, veterans' families and friends and and professionals who are interested in helping veterans here.